For less than a cup of coffee from your favourite café per month, support youth in your community find success!

Make a $5/month gift today


A $20 per month gift can ensure that youth in our program have healthy meals each day. Less than a night at the movies!


Look good and support Take a Hike! $1 from every shirt sold from Outdoor Vancouver will support Take a Hike to engage more youth in our communities.


At Take a Hike, we provide continuous clinical counselling for youth. $100 is enough for one week of counselling, make it a monthly contribution and we are able to provide mental health services at many different levels.

For less than a subscription to Netflix, you can change the lives of youth by providing a $10 gift per month that allows Take a Hike youth to get outside once a month and reconnect with nature.


Snack on these deliciously healthy fruit chips while hiking up your favourite trail. A portion of the sales will support Take a Hike change the lives of youth.


A $50 gift can make all the difference. It can provide one full day in the program for youth or if it’s a monthly gift, it can provide emergency readiness for our programs.


Ready to head on an adventure? 2.5% of all bookings with BC Adventure Company will be gifted to Take a Hike to provide our youth with the outdoor learning adventures that make our program unique.

Photographer Chris Collacott’s masterful shot of the magnificent mountain scene is located in Assiniboine Provincial Park, British Columbia is transformed into a beautiful scarf. 20% of the sale price will benefit Take a Hike.


Staying safe while in the great outdoors is of the utmost importance when we head on our out-days. A gift of $25 can ensure we maintain proper training like avalanche preparedness.


Build your winter wardrobe with Outdoor Research and support an organization that champions Take a Hike to ensure youth in our community gain access to our life-changing program.