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“My mother was desperate to help me. She found information about Take a Hike, and I was quickly enrolled in the program. At first, I wasn’t convinced the Take a Hike program could help someone like me. It was hard to feel excited about anything in my life. But in September 2015, I unknowingly walked into my second chance at life.”

Victoria F.

Take a Hike alum

Growing up, I tried my hardest to be the perfect daughter, sister, and student. But by Grade 10, I couldn’t remember the last time I felt happy.

For years, I stayed silent about my struggles. My overwhelmed parents were so focused on my brother’s serious condition that I made myself small to avoid burdening them further. I pretended that everything was okay – when really, I wasn’t.

I was anxious and depressed. I dropped out of school and lost hope.

One night, it all became too much, and I attempted to take my own life. What followed was a painful cycle of hospital visits, medications, and despair. When the system finally gave up on me, I gave up too.

My mother was desperate to help me. She found information about Take a Hike, and I was quickly enrolled in the program. At first, I wasn’t convinced the Take a Hike program could help someone like me. It was hard to feel excited about anything in my life. But in September 2015, I unknowingly walked into my second chance at life.

The staff and other youth welcomed me into their small program cohort without judgment. I developed trusting relationships with them, and it felt good knowing that I had people in my life who genuinely cared about me. I was given something I never had before: a safe space to heal.

Not only did they help me catch up on my academics, but more importantly, I learned how to express my emotions and struggles openly. I felt a sense of relief when the Take a Hike counsellor told me that I didn’t have to carry all that weight and pressure alone. The program taught me that I could lean on others for support, and I learned to love myself again.

At Take a Hike, we went on some incredible outdoor adventures that challenged me both physically and emotionally.

On my first trip to Bowron Lakes, I discovered a moment of peace I hadn’t felt in years. Canoeing with my peers, surrounded by nature, I thought to myself: Life is worth living. That trip taught me something I carry to this day—if I could face 116 kilometers of portaging at 16 years old, I could face anything.

There will always be obstacles in life. The staff and experiences at Take a Hike gave me the confidence to face life’s challenges, and that confidence has stayed with me ever since.

In 2016, I graduated Take a Hike with honors—a milestone I once thought impossible. Empowered by newfound confidence, I taught outdoor education in Hong Kong, traveled the world, and pursued a double major in Marketing and Tourism Management in New Zealand.

Take a Hike taught me that resilience isn’t built alone—it’s built with a community that believes in you. I am so grateful I got the chance to heal, discover my potential and rebuild my life.

– Victoria F., Take a Hike 2016 alum