For gifts made in the Fiscal Year July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024

Leadership Circle – Lifetime Giving of $100,000+
- Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropy
- Canucks For Kids Fund
- Coast Capital Savings
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Foord Family Foundation
- McCall MacBain Foundation
- Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp Inc
- BC Gaming
- Nicola Family Foundation
- Nicola Wealth Private Giving Foundation
- Pacific Spirit Foundation
- RBC Foundation
- Seedlings Foundation
- The Jawl Foundation
- United Way British Columbia
Leadership Donors $50,000+
- Ames Family Foundation
- Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities
- Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd
- Cotterill Household
- Finch Household
- First Light Foundation
- First West Foundation
- Frimer Household
- Heal Household
- JTC Heersink Foundation
- OpenRoad Foundation
- R.C. Purdys Chocolatier Ltd
- Sweeney Household
- Sweeney Household
- TELUS Friendly Future Foundation
- Victoria Foundation
- Y.P. Heung Foundation
- YVR – Vancouver Airport Authority
Major Donors $25,000 – $49,999
- 100 Men Who Care Cowichan
- ALACS Fund through the Victoria Foundation
- Betty Averbach Foundation
- Bob & Judy Hager Family Fund
- Bradshaw Household
- Canadian Western Bank
- Central Okanagan Foundation
- City of Burnaby
- Coastal Community Credit Union (CCCU)
- Community Foundation Of The North Okanagan
- Diamond Foundation
- District of West Vancouver
- Fraser Valley Realtors’ Charitable Foundation
- Harlow And Mary Ann Burrows Family Foundation
- Harrison-Cooper Foundation
- Hobgoblin Foundation
- Hodgson Family Foundation
- Holland Family Charitable Foundation
- Hunter Family Foundation
- Island Health
- Jack & Sylvia Gin Foundation
- Kornell Household
- Li Household
- Lunn Household
- MacAskill Household
- Malberry Foundation
- McGrail Household
- Moffat Family Fund
- Mottershead Household
- O’Sullivan Household
- PNG Enterprise Foundation (the Geyer Family)
- Stormtech Performance
- Sutherland Foundation Inc
- Teck Metals Ltd – Trail Operations
- Teck Resources – Teck Highland Valley Copper (Merritt/Kamloops & surrounding communities)
- The Anglican Parish of St. John the Baptist, Cobble Hill
- The Saint John’s Legacy Foundation
- United Way Southern Vancouver Island
- Wilson Household
$1,000 – $9,999
- McAlister and Atkins Household
- 100 Warmland Women
- 100 Women Who Care Vernon
- 2244824 Ontario Inc
- Amy Stewart Art
- Baker Household
- Banfield Household
- Bergen Household
- Black Rock Resort
- Blue Planet Links Foundation
- Boyden Vancouver
- Brankston Household
- Bremner Household
- Orbis Investments
- Buckingham Household
- Buckley Household
- Cameron Household
- Caulfeild Dental Centre
- Cheung Household
- Chris Spencer Foundation
- City of Castlegar
- City of Colwood
- City of Langford
- City of Trail
- Collier Household
- Community Foundation of Castlegar and District
- Daily Hive
- David Geoffrey Cowper Law Coorporation
- Dechene Household
- Delta Community Foundation
- District of North Saanich
- District of Saanich
- District of Sooke
- Donohoe Household
- EHN Canada
- Emiko M. Venlet Art
- F.K. Morrow Foundation
- Flinton-Brown Household
- FMS Family Fund
- Gale and Evans Household
- GM McKenzie Inc
- Google, Inc.
- Great Expectation Family Foundation
- Greygates Foundation
- Hames Household
- Harmac Pacific Employee Charitable Donation Program
- Harry Household
- Hastings Household
- Hourglass Cabaret
- Hylcan Foundation
- Impey Household
- John Household
- Johnson Household
- Kerklaan Household
- Kids at Risk The Amir & Yasmin Virani Family Foundation
- Koffman Kalef LLP
- Krstajic Foundation
- Langtry Household
- Leavens Household
- Ledingham Household
- Lemperg Household
- Levine Household
- Macdonald Realty Westmar
- Mansfield Household
- Marshall Household
- Marymax Fund through the Victoria Foundation
- Mas Yukawa Foundation
- Matchett Household
- Mathisen Family Private Foundation
- McAdams Foundation
- Meredith Household
- Mid Island Co-op
- Mill Bay Lions Club
- Miss604
- Mosaic Forest Management
- Municipality of North Cowichan
- Nelson/Goldberg Household
- Newton Household
- Oasis Foundation
- Ocean Partners
- Odlum Brown Limited
- O’Neill Household
- Outdoor Research
- Passion Fruit Partners
- Peninsula Co-op
- PI Financial Corp
- Provincial Employees Community Services Fund (PECSF)
- Raymond James Canada Foundation (RJCF)
- Rockwood Adventures
- Rotary Club of Duncan
- Rotary Club of Lantzville
- Rotary Club of Nanaimo Daybreak
- Rotary Club of Sooke
- Rotary Club of Victoria
- Saanich Peninsula Community Foundation
- Schein Foundation
- Shepard Household
- Sherk Household
- Shira Gold Photography
- Simpson Household
- Smith Household
- Stein Household
- Style In Form
- Szendrey Household
- The Harold Kalke Foundation
- Thinkific
- Town of Lake Cowichan
- Traquair Family Foundation
- UVic Commerce Student Society
- Vancouver Film Studios
- VF Services LLC
- Western Forest Products
- Weyerhaeuser Company Limited
- Wheaton Hyundai
- White Spot Limited
- Windsor Plywood Foundation
- Windward Foundation
- Wypkema Household
- Yuen Household
- Zahra Ramji Law Corporation
$500 – $999
- Hadfield Household
- 1832 Asset Management L.P
- Sluggett Household
- Anthem Properties Group
- Arion Skin Laser Clinic
- Auerbach Household
- Black Household
- Boyce Household
- Bridgehouse Asset Managers
- Buchan Household
- Burke Household
- Campeau Foundation
- Canadian Retirement Developments
- Cantrav
- City of Rossland
- Cowichan Valley Regional District (CVRD)
- Coyne Household
- De pfyffer sales
- Dekker Household
- Fidelity Investments Canada ULC
- Fort Capital Partners
- FT Portfolios Canada Co.
- Gherman Household
- Gosney Household
- Great Little Box
- Hamilton Household
- Hawke Household
- Holan Household
- Jacobsen Household
- Kleta Household
- Koop Household
- Kadian/LaMarche Household
- Leason Household
- Leversage Household
- LinKonnect Consulting, Inc.
- Lu Household
- Lunter Private Investment Management
- MakeWay Foundation (formerly Tides Canada)
- Manulife
- Martin Household
- McDonald Household
- Mclean Household
- Medd Household
- Michael Sean Lee Photography
- Muench Household
- Nanaimo Lions Club
- Nykol Household
- O’Connor Household
- O’Sullivan Family Foundation, held at Vancouver Foundation
- PayPal Giving Fund
- Plenary Americas
- RBC Global Asset Management
- Red Dragon Apparel
- Richardson Household
- Richardson Household
- Rogers Household
- Ross Household
- Royal Canadian Legion #210 – Lake Cowichan
- Ryujin Household
- Sams Original Art
- Scotia Wealth Management
- Smalley Household
- Smeaton/Ferriss Household
- Stout Household
- Sunrise Ridge Resort
- Sylvis
- Thornhill Household
- Torreggiani Household
- Troop
- Tutsch Household
- Vincent Household
- Watson Household
- West Coast Elevators
- Woeller Household
Monthly Mountain Giving Club
- Deb Abma-Sluggett and Les Sluggett
- Alaine Anicete
- Megan Bain
- Kim Barnard
- Tracey-Lee Barr
- Emily Beach
- Deborah Bender
- Natasha Bernoe
- Tracey Billett
- Elizabeth Black
- Sian Blyth
- Marianne Boldt
- Mike Brankston
- Lisa Bremner
- Clayton Buckingham
- Alexander Burns
- Wade and Deborah Burns
- Nicky Calvert
- Robin Carkett
- Victoria and Matthew Ballance
- Lisa and Paul Torreggiani
- Drew Collier
- Philippe Côté
- Sarah Coxon
- Vince Critchley
- Norma Dechene
- Ivy Dreger
- Sarah Edmilao (All Access Adventures)
- Emily Fergusson
- Crystal Fillippelli
- Rebekah Fisher
- Shane Funk
- Larissa Hayes and Glyn Gibson
- Marnie Goldenberg
- Isolde Hager
- Danelle Hames
- Brita Harrison Brooke and Andrew Brooke
- Samuel Hasty
- Timothy Hawke
- Robert Hedley
- Steven Holan
- Lesley Hutton
- Roberta Jadresko
- Ann and Mark Jensen
- Michelle Johnson
- Rowly Johnson
- Kate Jory
- Angelika Kleta
- Carla Koulas
- Sevan and Travis LaMarche
- Zoe Lauckner
- Trevor Leach
- Kathleen Leavens
- Rachael Lipetz
- Shirley Loi
- Jiao Lu
- Karen and Stacey MacLean (True North Counselling)
- Gordon Matchett
- Ryan Mccleery
- Connie McDonald
- Gordon McGee
- Patricia Mclean
- Steven Morin
- Matthias Muschol
- Nav Nagra
- Deborah Nelson and Michael Goldberg
- Neil Normandeau
- Peter and Kristen Prediger
- Shaun Rawlins
- Marnelle Roberts
- Rockwood Adventures
- Kate Ross
- Owen and Sarah Rowley
- Carmen Ryujin
- Graham Sherk
- Nicole Silvestre
- Mason Slavner
- Charlene Smith
- Dulcie and Robert Smith
- Timothy Smith
- Paul Sweeney
- Shawn Taylor
- Kaitlyn Tisch
- Jennica Vegelahn
- Lois Vincent
- Michelle Wansink
- Cheyenne Williams
- Jaydeen Williams and Rachel Rabinovitch
- Natalie Wilson
- Lesley Wypkema
- Graham Young
- Deborah Yuen